shipping method:Japan Post - Airmail Small Packets(registered)
Weight Zone First Zone Second Zone Third Zone Fourth Zone Fifth Zone
Region China, South
Korea, Taiwan
Asia (excluding China, South
Korea, Taiwan)
Oceania, Canada,
Mexico, Middle East,
U.S. (including
Guam and other
U.S. territories)
Central and South America
(excluding Mexico),
Up to 100g ¥810 ¥840 ¥970 ¥1,290 ¥1,010
Up to 200g ¥910 ¥960 ¥1,150 ¥1,500 ¥1,270
Up to 300g ¥1,010 ¥1,080 ¥1,330 ¥1,710 ¥1,530
Up to 400g ¥1,110 ¥1,200 ¥1,510 ¥1,920 ¥1,790
Up to 500g ¥1,210 ¥1,320 ¥1,690 ¥2,130 ¥2,050
Up to 600g ¥1,310 ¥1,440 ¥1,870 ¥2,340 ¥2,310
Up to 700g ¥1,410 ¥1,560 ¥2,050 ¥2,550 ¥2,570
Up to 800g ¥1,510 ¥1,680 ¥2,230 ¥2,760 ¥2,830
Up to 900g ¥1,610 ¥1,800 ¥2,410 ¥2,970 ¥3,090
Up to 1000g ¥1,710 ¥1,920 ¥2,590 ¥3,180 ¥3,350
Up to 1100g ¥1,810 ¥2,040 ¥2,770 ¥3,390 ¥3,610
Up to 1200g ¥1,910 ¥2,160 ¥2,950 ¥3,600 ¥3,870
Up to 1300g ¥2,010 ¥2,280 ¥3,130 ¥3,810 ¥4,130
Up to 1400g ¥2,110 ¥2,400 ¥3,310 ¥4,020 ¥4,390
Up to 1500g ¥2,210 ¥2,520 ¥3,490 ¥4,230 ¥4,650
Up to 1600g ¥2,310 ¥2,640 ¥3,670 ¥4,440 ¥4,910
Up to 1700g ¥2,410 ¥2,760 ¥3,850 ¥4,650 ¥5,170
Up to 1800g ¥2,510 ¥2,880 ¥4,030 ¥4,860 ¥5,430
Up to 1900g ¥2,610 ¥3,000 ¥4,210 ¥5,070 ¥5,690
Up to 2000g ¥2,710 ¥3,120 ¥4,390 ¥5,280 ¥5,950
※Effective September 30, 2023, international e-packet mail will be discontinued and the equivalent service is Airmail Small Packets (Registered).
※There are restrictions on shipping size.The total of the three dimensions of the box must be 90 cm and the weight after packing must not exceed 2000 g.

shipping method:Japan Post - EMS
Weight Zone First Zone Second Zone Third Zone Fourth Zone Fifth Zone
Region China, South
Korea, Taiwan
Asia (excluding China, South
Korea, Taiwan)
Oceania, Canada,
Mexico, Middle East,
U.S. (including
Guam and other
U.S. territories)
Central and South America
(excluding Mexico),
Up to 500g ¥1,450 ¥1,900 ¥3,150 ¥3,900 ¥3,600
Up to 600g ¥1,600 ¥2,150 ¥3,400 ¥4,180 ¥3,900
Up to 700g ¥1,750 ¥2,400 ¥3,650 ¥4,460 ¥4,200
Up to 800g ¥1,900 ¥2,650 ¥3,900 ¥4,740 ¥4,500
Up to 900g ¥2,050 ¥2,900 ¥4,150 ¥5,020 ¥4,800
Up to 1kg ¥2,200 ¥3,150 ¥4,400 ¥5,300 ¥5,100
Up to 1.25kg ¥2,500 ¥3,500 ¥5,000 ¥5,990 ¥5,850
Up to 1.5kg ¥2,800 ¥3,850 ¥5,550 ¥6,600 ¥6,600
Up to 1.75kg ¥3,100 ¥4,200 ¥6,150 ¥7,290 ¥7,350
Up to 2kg ¥3,400 ¥4,550 ¥6,700 ¥7,900 ¥8,100
Up to 2.5kg ¥3,900 ¥5,150 ¥7,750 ¥9,100 ¥9,600
Up to 3kg ¥4,400 ¥5,750 ¥8,800 ¥10,300 ¥11,100
Up to 3.5kg ¥4,900 ¥6,350 ¥9,850 ¥11,500 ¥12,600
Up to 4kg ¥5,400 ¥6,950 ¥10,900 ¥12,700 ¥14,100
Up to 4.5kg ¥5,900 ¥7,550 ¥11,950 ¥13,900 ¥15,600
Up to 5kg ¥6,400 ¥8,150 ¥13,000 ¥15,100 ¥17,100
Up to 5.5kg ¥6,900 ¥8,750 ¥14,050 ¥16,300 ¥18,600
Up to 6kg ¥7,400 ¥9,350 ¥15,100 ¥17,500 ¥20,100
Up to 7kg ¥8,200 ¥10,350 ¥17,200 ¥19,900 ¥22,500
Up to 8kg ¥9,000 ¥11,350 ¥19,300 ¥22,300 ¥24,900
Up to 9kg ¥9,800 ¥12,350 ¥21,400 ¥24,700 ¥27,300
Up to 10kg ¥10,600 ¥13,350 ¥23,500 ¥27,100 ¥29,700
Up to 11kg ¥11,400 ¥14,350 ¥25,600 ¥29,500 ¥32,100
Up to 12kg ¥12,200 ¥15,350 ¥27,700 ¥31,900 ¥34,500
Up to 13kg ¥13,000 ¥16,350 ¥29,800 ¥34,300 ¥36,900
Up to 14kg ¥13,800 ¥17,350 ¥31,900 ¥36,700 ¥39,300
Up to 15kg ¥14,600 ¥18,350 ¥34,000 ¥39,100 ¥41,700
Up to 16kg ¥15,400 ¥19,350 ¥36,100 ¥41,500 ¥44,100
Up to 17kg ¥16,200 ¥20,350 ¥38,200 ¥43,900 ¥46,500
Up to 18kg ¥17,000 ¥21,350 ¥40,300 ¥46,300 ¥48,900
Up to 19kg ¥17,800 ¥22,350 ¥42,400 ¥48,700 ¥51,300
Up to 20kg ¥18,600 ¥23,350 ¥44,500 ¥51,100 ¥53,700
Up to 21kg ¥19,400 ¥24,350 ¥46,600 ¥53,500 ¥56,100
Up to 22kg ¥20,200 ¥25,350 ¥48,700 ¥55,900 ¥58,500
Up to 23kg ¥21,000 ¥26,350 ¥50,800 ¥58,300 ¥60,900
Up to 24kg ¥21,800 ¥27,350 ¥52,900 ¥60,700 ¥63,300
Up to 25kg ¥22,600 ¥28,350 ¥55,000 ¥63,100 ¥65,700
Up to 26kg ¥23,400 ¥29,350 ¥57,100 ¥65,500 ¥68,100
Up to 27kg ¥24,200 ¥30,350 ¥59,200 ¥67,900 ¥70,500
Up to 28kg ¥25,000 ¥31,350 ¥61,300 ¥70,300 ¥72,900
Up to 29kg ¥25,800 ¥32,350 ¥63,400 ¥72,700 ¥75,300
Up to 30kg ¥26,600 ¥33,350 ¥65,500 ¥75,100 ¥77,700

shipping method:Japan Post - Air mail
Weight Zone First Zone Second Zone Third Zone Fourth Zone Fifth Zone
Region China, South
Korea, Taiwan
Asia (excluding China, South
Korea, Taiwan)
Oceania, Canada,
Mexico, Middle East,
U.S. (including
Guam and other
U.S. territories)
Central and South America
(excluding Mexico),
Up to 1kg ¥2,050 ¥2,500 ¥3,850 ¥4,200 ¥4,550
Up to 2kg ¥2,750 ¥3,700 ¥6,000 ¥6,700 ¥7,250
Up to 3kg ¥3,450 ¥4,900 ¥8,150 ¥9,200 ¥9,950
Up to 4kg ¥4,150 ¥6,100 ¥10,300 ¥11,700 ¥12,650
Up to 5kg ¥4,850 ¥7,300 ¥12,450 ¥14,200 ¥15,350
Up to 6kg ¥5,550 ¥8,500 ¥14,600 ¥16,700 ¥18,050
Up to 7kg ¥6,250 ¥9,700 ¥16,750 ¥19,200 ¥20,750
Up to 8kg ¥6,950 ¥10,900 ¥18,900 ¥21,700 ¥23,450
Up to 9kg ¥7,650 ¥12,100 ¥21,050 ¥24,200 ¥26,150
Up to 10kg ¥8,350 ¥13,300 ¥23,200 ¥26,700 ¥28,850
Up to 11kg ¥8,850 ¥13,950 ¥24,800 ¥28,700 ¥30,650
Up to 12kg ¥9,350 ¥14,600 ¥26,400 ¥30,700 ¥32,450
Up to 13kg ¥9,850 ¥15,250 ¥28,000 ¥32,700 ¥34,250
Up to 14kg ¥10,350 ¥15,900 ¥29,600 ¥34,700 ¥36,050
Up to 15kg ¥10,850 ¥16,550 ¥31,200 ¥36,700 ¥37,850
Up to 16kg ¥11,350 ¥17,200 ¥32,800 ¥38,700 ¥39,650
Up to 17kg ¥11,850 ¥17,850 ¥34,400 ¥40,700 ¥41,450
Up to 18kg ¥12,350 ¥18,500 ¥36,000 ¥42,700 ¥43,250
Up to 19kg ¥12,850 ¥19,150 ¥37,600 ¥44,700 ¥45,050
Up to 20kg ¥13,350 ¥19,800 ¥39,200 ¥46,700 ¥46,850
Up to 21kg ¥13,850 ¥20,450 ¥40,800 ¥48,700 ¥48,650
Up to 22kg ¥14,350 ¥21,100 ¥42,400 ¥50,700 ¥50,450
Up to 23kg ¥14,850 ¥21,750 ¥44,000 ¥52,700 ¥52,250
Up to 24kg ¥15,350 ¥22,400 ¥45,600 ¥54,700 ¥54,050
Up to 25kg ¥15,850 ¥23,050 ¥47,200 ¥56,700 ¥55,850
Up to 26kg ¥16,350 ¥23,700 ¥48,800 ¥58,700 ¥57,650
Up to 27kg ¥16,850 ¥24,350 ¥50,400 ¥60,700 ¥59,450
Up to 28kg ¥17,350 ¥25,000 ¥52,000 ¥62,700 ¥61,250
Up to 29kg ¥17,850 ¥25,650 ¥53,600 ¥64,700 ¥63,050
Up to 30kg ¥18,350 ¥26,300 ¥55,200 ¥66,700 ¥64,850

shipping method:Japan Post - Surface mail
Weight Zone First Zone Second Zone Third Zone Fourth Zone Fifth Zone
Region China, South
Korea, Taiwan
Asia (excluding China, South
Korea, Taiwan)
Oceania, Canada,
Mexico, Middle East,
U.S. (including
Guam and other
U.S. territories)
Central and South America
(excluding Mexico),
Up to 1kg ¥1,800 ¥2,100 ¥2,500 ¥2,600 ¥2,700
Up to 2kg ¥2,200 ¥2,600 ¥3,100 ¥3,300 ¥3,400
Up to 3kg ¥2,600 ¥3,100 ¥3,700 ¥4,000 ¥4,100
Up to 4kg ¥3,000 ¥3,600 ¥4,300 ¥4,700 ¥4,800
Up to 5kg ¥3,400 ¥4,100 ¥4,900 ¥5,400 ¥5,500
Up to 6kg ¥3,800 ¥4,600 ¥5,500 ¥6,100 ¥6,200
Up to 7kg ¥4,200 ¥5,100 ¥6,100 ¥6,800 ¥6,900
Up to 8kg ¥4,600 ¥5,600 ¥6,700 ¥7,500 ¥7,600
Up to 9kg ¥5,000 ¥6,100 ¥7,300 ¥8,200 ¥8,300
Up to 10kg ¥5,400 ¥6,600 ¥7,900 ¥8,900 ¥9,000
Up to 11kg ¥5,800 ¥7,000 ¥8,300 ¥9,500 ¥9,600
Up to 12kg ¥6,200 ¥7,400 ¥8,700 ¥10,100 ¥10,200
Up to 13kg ¥6,600 ¥7,800 ¥9,100 ¥10,700 ¥10,800
Up to 14kg ¥7,000 ¥8,200 ¥9,500 ¥11,300 ¥11,400
Up to 15kg ¥7,400 ¥8,600 ¥9,900 ¥11,900 ¥12,000
Up to 16kg ¥7,800 ¥9,000 ¥10,300 ¥12,500 ¥12,600
Up to 17kg ¥8,200 ¥9,400 ¥10,700 ¥13,100 ¥13,200
Up to 18kg ¥8,600 ¥9,800 ¥11,100 ¥13,700 ¥13,800
Up to 19kg ¥9,000 ¥10,200 ¥11,500 ¥14,300 ¥14,400
Up to 20kg ¥9,400 ¥10,600 ¥11,900 ¥14,900 ¥15,000
Up to 21kg ¥9,800 ¥11,000 ¥12,300 ¥15,500 ¥15,600
Up to 22kg ¥10,200 ¥11,400 ¥12,700 ¥16,100 ¥16,200
Up to 23kg ¥10,600 ¥11,800 ¥13,100 ¥16,700 ¥16,800
Up to 24kg ¥11,000 ¥12,200 ¥13,500 ¥17,300 ¥17,400
Up to 25kg ¥11,400 ¥12,600 ¥13,900 ¥17,900 ¥18,000
Up to 26kg ¥11,800 ¥13,000 ¥14,300 ¥18,500 ¥18,600
Up to 27kg ¥12,200 ¥13,400 ¥14,700 ¥19,100 ¥19,200
Up to 28kg ¥12,600 ¥13,800 ¥15,100 ¥19,700 ¥19,800
Up to 29kg ¥13,000 ¥14,200 ¥15,500 ¥20,300 ¥20,400
Up to 30kg ¥13,400 ¥14,600 ¥15,900 ¥20,900 ¥21,000

Shipping charges vary depending on the size of the package, fuel surcharge rates, and peak season, so we do not posted a price list.
We can provide an approximate price estimate, so please contact us if you would like to know the price in advance.
Please note that delivery charges are subject to change.
In order to ensure delivery, we do not accept requests for shipments without a tracking number.
We also plan to accept SAL and International e-Packet Light that Japan Post has stopped accepting as soon as the service is resumed.
If there are any other changes, we will respond accordingly. We appreciate your understanding.